Taken with Olympus EPL-1 digital camera July 2nd 2011. Click image for larger view.
While walking in the outskirts of downtown I stumbled across this small fly on a burdock plant. After doing some research I have figured out that the fly most likely is called Tephritis bardanae. This fly is a part of the fruit fly family that consists of several thousand of species. This particular species is fond of the burdock plant, and as you can see in the picture the fly has landed on such a plant.
It looked like the fly was performing a dance on the plant to attract a partner, but that is pure speculation from my side.
If you take notice of your surroundings you will often find small beautiful things like this fly. Next time you are outside try to look around you and take notice of all the wonderful living beings in the nature, even in a large city 🙂
Please check out my other insect pictures here.
Information about the picture:
Camera: Olympus EPL-1 digital camera
Exposure 0.01 sec (1/100)
Aperture f/5.6
Focal Length 42 mm
ISO Speed 200
Location: Bygdøy, Oslo