Thomas Laupstad

Hi there :) My name is Thomas Laupstad and I recently picked up photography as my favorite activity. I want to show you northern Norway from my point of view. Hope you enjoy the blog!

Photos of cowberry / lingonberry plants – as flowers and berries

Photo of cowberry
Taken with Olympus E500 digital camera on August 27th, 2007. Click picture for larger view.

In this photo you can see ripe cowberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), also known as lingonberries (and foxberry, mountain cranberry, lowbush cranberry, and partridgeberry). I have been collecting several kilograms of these lovely berries the last few days. I use cowberries mainly as jam or compote accompanying meat dishes, especially game meats. They have a tart taste so they are perfect with meat.

In old times, when people didn’t have a freezer, cowberry was used as a natural preservative because of their high content of benzoic acid. It was mixed with other berries, like cloudberry, to make the berries edible throughout the winter.
Cowberry was (and is) an important source for vitamin C, A and some B vitamins.

Our family is pretty much self sufficient with cowberries, but I believe you can buy cowberries at IKEA in rest of the world?

Here is a close up picture of cowberry flowers.

Photo of cowberry flowers
Taken with Olympus E500 digital camera on June 14th, 2007. Click picture for larger view.

Information about the pictures:
Camera: Olympus E-500 digital SLR camera
Focal Length: 35 mm
Lens: Olympus Zuiko Digital 35mm F3.5 Macro
Location: Laupstad (Andørja), Troms in northern Norway

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Photos of cowberry / lingonberry plants – as flowers and berries Read More »

Sunset picture from northern Norway – the sun hides behind some clouds

Sunset picture from northern Norway
Taken with Olympus E500 digital camera September 1st 2007. Click image for larger view.

I enjoyed how the sun was hiding behind the clouds in this sunset photo. The glow in the clouds looked was really special and made a nice sight.
Hope to see more good weather like this in September 🙂

Can you see the golden dragon?

Information about the picture:
Camera: Olympus E-500 digital SLR camera
Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/800)
Aperture: f/8
Focal Length: 96 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Lens: Olympus Zuiko Digital 40-150mm F3.5-4.5
Location: Laupstad, Andørja (Ibestad) in northern Norway

Sunset picture from northern Norway – the sun hides behind some clouds Read More »

Picture of incoming bad weather with sleet – autumn have definitively come to Norway

Picture of incoming bad weather with sleet
Taken with Olympus E500 digital camera August 30th 2007. Click image for larger view.

Seems like the autumn is here to stay.
In this photo you can see some bad weather coming in from the sea. Those “streaks” you see in the horizon, on the photo, is sleet that arrived at my home a few hours later. I’m not a big fan of sleet, but I think it made a cool picture.

Information about the picture:
Camera: Olympus E-500 digital SLR camera
Exposure: 1 sec (1)
Aperture: f/11
Focal Length: 22 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Lens: Olympus Zuiko Digital 11-22mm F2.8-3.5
Location: Ånstad, Andørja (Ibestad) in northern Norway

Picture of incoming bad weather with sleet – autumn have definitively come to Norway Read More »

Close up picture of ripe cherries – they are edible in northern Norway!

Close up picture of ripe cherries
Taken with Olympus E500 digital camera on August 27th, 2007. Click picture for larger view.

I planted a cherry tree this spring and now my first ever berries are ripe. I’m kind of amazed that they would become edible so far north and let me tell you that they taste great 🙂
Not many berries to harvest this year because the tree is still so young.

I photographed the cherry flowers back in June. Check out the photo here.

Information about the picture:
Camera: Olympus E-500 digital SLR camera
Exposure: 0.006 sec (1/160)
Aperture: f/11
Focal Length: 35 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Flash: Flash fired
Lens: Olympus Zuiko Digital 35mm F3.5 Macro
Location: Laupstad (Andørja), Troms in northern Norway

Close up picture of ripe cherries – they are edible in northern Norway! Read More »

First snow in the mountains – autumn soon to come in northern Norway

First snow in the mountains
Taken with Olympus E500 digital camera August 29th 2007. Click image for larger view.

I woke up today to snow covering the mountain peaks. It is a sign that autumn will soon be coming here in northern Norway, but it makes a pretty picture don’t you think?

The mountain peaks are 1000 meters above the sea.

Information about the picture:
Camera: Olympus E-500 digital SLR camera
Exposure: 0.004 sec (1/250)
Aperture: f/9
Focal Length: 11 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Lens: Olympus Zuiko Digital 11-22mm F2.8-3.5
Location: Laupstad, Andørja (Ibestad) in northern Norway

First snow in the mountains – autumn soon to come in northern Norway Read More »