Thomas Laupstad

Hi there :) My name is Thomas Laupstad and I recently picked up photography as my favorite activity. I want to show you northern Norway from my point of view. Hope you enjoy the blog!

Picture of half eaten Rattail (Roundnose grenadier, Coryphaenoides rupestris) deep sea fish

Picture of half eaten Rattail (Roundnose grenadier, Coryphaenoides rupestris) deep sea fish
Taken with Olympus E500 digital camera February 28th 2008. Click image for larger view.
I found this half eaten Rattail fish (probably a Roundnose grenadier, Coryphaenoides rupestris) laying in the middle of a field. I suspect that a sea eagle found the fish washed up on a beach nearby (there was sand all over the fish), but due to it size the eagle lost the fish while flying over this field.
I’ve never seen this type of fish before so I had to do a lot of research to figure out the specie. I was tipped of that it is of a family called rattail, also known as grenadier, and more specific a Roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris). This is a deep sea fish living on depths between 100 – 2000 meters and that explains the enormous eyes on this fish.

Check out this picture of my favorite fish the Atlantic halibut.

Information about the picture:
Olympus E-500 digital SLR camera
Exposure: 0.013 sec (1/80)
Aperture: f/11
Focal Length: 17 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Lens: Olympus Zuiko Digital 11-22mm F2.8-3.5
Location: Laupstad (Andørja), Troms in Northern Norway

Picture of half eaten Rattail (Roundnose grenadier, Coryphaenoides rupestris) deep sea fish Read More »

Photo of beautiful winter dusk over fjord in Northern Norway

Photo of beautiful winter dusk over fjord in Northern Norway
Taken with Olympus E500 digital camera March 1st 2008. Click image for larger view.
Yesterday we had a beautiful and cold dusk here in Northern Norway. Had to take out the good old camera to capture some pictures of the sunset so I could share it with you all 🙂 I liked how the thin birch tree created a bit of a frame for the scenery.
The mountains in the horizon is a part of an island called Grytøya. The same island can be seen in this picture of the first days of winter last year.

Information about the picture:
Olympus E-500 digital SLR camera
Exposure: 0.025 sec (1/40)
Aperture: f/4
Focal Length: 22 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Lens: Olympus Zuiko Digital 11-22mm F2.8-3.5
Location: Laupstad (Andørja), Troms in Northern Norway

Photo of beautiful winter dusk over fjord in Northern Norway Read More »

Macro picture of common limpet (Patella vulgata) covered with barnacles (Semibalanus balanoides)

Macro picture of common limpet (Patella vulgata) covered with barnacles
Taken with Olympus E500 digital camera February 28th 2008. Click image for larger view.
In this macro picture you can see a common limpet (Patella vulgata) covered with barnacles (Semibalanus balanoides) at low tide. The limpets are snails that feed on algae living on hard rock and stones. They are able adhere themselves strongly to hard surfaces and can be very hard to peel off if they sense danger.
I have been watching some TV-shows by the survivalist Ray Mears where he use a stick to whack them off using the surprise factor. I will have to try to cook some limpets later this year and I will report back here on how they taste 😉
If you look in the background you can see another limpet waiting for the tide to come back in.
The barnacles (Semibalanus balanoides) seem to get a free ride with the limpet, but I’m guessing the limpet is glad for having some extra camouflage.

Check out this photo of the shell of a limpet filled with small pieces of sand. The inside have some beautiful structures and colors.

Information about the picture:
Camera: Olympus E-500 digital SLR camera
Exposure: 0.013 sec (1/80)
Aperture: f/9
Focal Length: 35 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Lens: Olympus Zuiko Digital 35mm F3.5 Macro
Location: Laupstad (Andørja), Troms in northern Norway

Macro picture of common limpet (Patella vulgata) covered with barnacles (Semibalanus balanoides) Read More »

My top midnight sun pictures in Northern Norway from 2007

Here is a selection of my personal favorite midnight sun pictures that I photographed during the summer 2007. The season for midnight sun is closing very fast so stay tuned for more midnight sun photos and you can buy the 2009 Norway photo calendar with some of the pictures.
You can click on the pictures to see a larger version and click on the titles to read more about the individual photos.

Photo from midnight stroll on the beach

Photo of sunset at 01:30 AM

Photo of midnight sunset and some amazing clouds

Photo of amazing red sunset at midnight in northern Norway

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My top midnight sun pictures in Northern Norway from 2007 Read More »

Macro picture of Wild daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) sprouts covered in snow – Global warming?

Macro picture of Wild daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) sprouts covered in snow
Taken with Olympus E500 digital camera February 25th 2008. Click image for larger view.
The Wild daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) have been sprouting as early as mid January this year. This is extremely early for us in Northern Norway. Although we have had frost, snow and thawing several times the Wild daffodil can handle extreme conditions very good so I think these sprouts will survive.
In Norwegian this plant is called “PÃ¥skelilje” (Easter lily) because it usually show us its beautiful yellow flowers around Easter.

Yesterday I heard a meteorologist saying that so far this have been warmest winter ever recorded in Norway. I know that doesn’t prove anything, but it sure smells like global warming…

I can’t wait for the spring to come so I can photograph the flowers in full bloom. Meanwhile you can see some of my flower pictures from last year here. If I had to choose the picture of the Purple Saxifrage flower are my favorite because they were the first wild flowers I saw last spring.

Information about the picture:
Camera: Olympus E-500 digital SLR camera
Exposure: 0.013 sec (1/80)
Aperture: f/3.5
Focal Length: 35 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Lens: Olympus Zuiko Digital 35mm F3.5 Macro
Location: Laupstad (Andørja), Troms in northern Norway

Macro picture of Wild daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) sprouts covered in snow – Global warming? Read More »