Blog Action Day – Nature is under threat in northern Norway
Today over 14,000(!!) bloggers will blog about environmental issues as a part of the Blog Action Day.
I feel very strong about environmental issues because I grew up close to the nature and as I grew older I understood all the threats against mother earth.
The biggest threat up here in the north is probably against life in the ocean. The fisheries are getting more and more efficient and the fish stocks are in real danger of collapsing.
In recent years oil companies have started to drill for gas and oil up here in the north. Any spills from this will have be a disaster for the fish stocks and bird populations. There is also great concern for what the drilling itself does to the life in the ocean.
And who knows what results will come from global warming…
We can all try a little harder to take care of the nature and Blog Action Day is a good way of reminding ourselves to take more care of the nature 🙂
Here is a few examples from my photo collection of reasons why I want to preserve the beautiful nature around us.
Macro photo of five-spot burnet moths mating on flowers
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